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Financial Literacy


金融知识教育为学生提供做出明智的金融决策所需的工具和技能, particularly in regards to the student loan process.

理财知识使你了解如何管理个人财务, establish financial goals, and how to develop a plan to reach financial goals.

金融知识使学生在资金管理方面发展关键的技能,这些技能将在大学毕业后继续使用. 学生们现在和将来都能更好地做出明智的决定,这将有助于建立金融稳定, including higher savings and reduced debt. 无论你在哪里,我们都可以在校内或网上提供帮助!

Key Concepts


Types of Aid

UWF提供多种经济援助来源,帮助学生支付教育费用. Our types of financial assistance include grants, scholarships, work study, and loans 并且来自联邦,州,机构和捐赠实体. UWF鼓励学生首先寻求非贷款的经济援助选择,如助学金和/或奖学金,如果有资格的话. In addition to the various types of gift aid offered, 鼓励学生申请私人奖学金来帮助抵消费用. For the students that must borrow, UWF鼓励借最少的钱来满足你的需要.

Expected Family Contribution (EFC)/Student Aid Index (SAI)

您在FAFSA上提供的信息计算了您的预期家庭贡献(EFC)。. UWF和大多数大学一样,使用EFC作为发放基于需求的经济援助的基础. EFC衡量的是你的家庭支付教育费用的能力,但不一定是你被要求支付的.

Your EFC directly contributes to how we determine financial need. 经济需求的计算是为了帮助确定学生可能有资格获得哪些类型的经济援助.


Budgeting Basics and Understanding UWF Costs

我们的目标是为学生提供他们需要做出明智决定的工具. 这些信息提供了学生应该了解的关键概念的概述,以有效地借入贷款与良好的财务习惯到位:

Budgeting 会帮助你建立决策能力,实现你的财务和学业目标吗. Budgeting keeps your finances under control, shows when you need to make adjustments to your spending, 帮助你决定你的钱花在哪里,而不是去想钱都去哪里了.

Tuition is set annually by the Florida Legislature, 额外的本地和大学费用由火博体育董事会和佛罗里达州理事会设定. 关于你的学费和强制性费用的问题可以直接联系到 Student Accounts and Cashier.

Your true cost of attendance is unique to you as an individual. 成本从UWF每学时收取的学费和费用开始. But what you actually pay depends on how many classes you take, your choice of housing and meal plans, and indirect costs like textbooks and transportation. For more information, review our cost of attendance estimates. 如果你已经决定住在校园宿舍,请审查 housing rates to determine which options meet your financial expectations.

The Estimated Direct Cost Calculator will help you calculate your estimated direct costs. Your costs may change based on how many credit hours you take, your meal plan selection and whether you live on campus.

A loan is borrowed money that must be repaid. Various types of low-interest, 长期联邦贷款是根据证明的经济需要或就读费用提供的. 加上联邦贷款需要基于信用单独申请.

虽然有补贴和/或无补贴的直接贷款提供给学生的全部资格, 学生可以选择接受一部分还是全部.

When determining how much federal loans to accept or apply for, 最佳做法是关注出席的直接成本,而不是估计成本.

A private student loan is a financing option for higher education that can supplement, but should not replace, federal loans, such as Federal Direct Loans. UWF never encourages increasing loan debt; however, 私人学生贷款可以以各种方式帮助你包括不合格或缺口直接成本.

There are limits 关于你每学年可能有资格获得的资助和非资助贷款金额(年度贷款限额)以及你可以为本科和研究生学习借入的总额(总贷款限额).

Federal student loans have an origination fee; therefore, the amount you may receive as a disbursement will be less than the amount you accept. Although some private loans do not have origination fees, 联邦贷款通常利率较低,总体成本较低.

Repayment is often more than students anticipate, 所以请利用所提供的资源提前预估. 在UWF,我们鼓励学生只接受需要的东西. Therefore, 我们建议学生在决定是否需要贷款来补充他们的教育费用时只考虑直接成本.

为了向借款人提供帮助,我们与 Inceptia to serve our students’ repayment needs. Inceptia是一个非营利性组织,它与学校和贷款持有人合作,在理解信息方面提供免费帮助, tools and resources available on student loans. 学校与Inceptia合作,免费为在校和以前的学生提供学生贷款咨询援助.

Inceptia通过电子邮件、电话和聊天平台提供服务. Free repayment services include:

  • Discovering your options
  • Resources for understanding and simplifying your repayment
  • Knowledge base headquarters available 24/7
  • Counseling and advocacy on behalf of the student
  • Works directly with lenders
  • Confidence to stay on track with your plan

如果您还没有与Inceptia联系,或者如果您有问题,请访问 Inceptia to access your free services.

Additional Resources

Louis Maygarden Center for Financial Literacy

UWF提供了一个关键资源的访问,重点是改善所有学生的财务健康和福祉. 路易斯·梅加登金融知识中心提高了人们对有效金融教育的认识和获取途径. The center offers various learning opportunities, including one-on-one meetings, workshops, seminars and speaker series. The center may assist students with:

  • Assessing Current Financial Wellness
  • Setting Goals
  • Tracking Earnings and Spending
  • Understanding Income
  • Needs Versus Wants
  • Banking
  • Building and Maintaining Credit
  • Importance of Record Keeping

Default Rate Notice

UWF的联邦学生贷款拖欠率(CDR)为0%, below the national average of 1% (as of Oct. 4, 2023).